October 16–New Album!
October 16th, 2024
Hello Friends,
Happy to finally announce the release of my 9th Studio Album TEN GOOD SERMONS. This project has been a long time coming-having been derailed by the pandemic and all sorts of other delays. But it’s finally here and I surely hope you’ll have a chance to check it out. The songs on the record represent a slight departure for me thematically and I hope you’ll have a listen. It’s currently available on all digital platforms and is being distributed in Europe by Coast to Coast Records. I’ve already received a number of requests for hard copies (which do in fact exist), so I’m working right now on creating a store for my site to sell physical product and other merch… I’ll keep you updated on that as it develops..
Until then—hope you’ll enjoy the new record.
October 2024
September 29th, 2024
For those of you paying attention (and I certainly hope you all are!) September has come and gone with out my new album release appearing (digitally) as planned.
These things happen. Especially when you decide you want to change–well–everything! Ok–not quite. But I’m back on track with a new hard release date that is just weeks away. October 14 is the big day–and I very much look forward to introducing this new music to you at last. More details as the dates arrives but for now mark your calendars..
April 2024
April 9th, 2024
Hello and Happy Spring!
Things are blooming in New York City and 2024 is shaping up and promising to be an eventful year. I know I’ve said it before..but my new record Ten Good Sermons-which has been in the can for a while now–is set for release in September. I’m excited to get it out into the world and into your sweet ears. It’s long overdue! In the meantime I will be releasing a few singles and videos along the way- with the first set to arrive next month-just in time for my first trip to Europe in over 4 years! Ill be traveling to Ireland (for the first time!) and I’m excited about that. Then off to the Netherlands…which is always a delight. I’m thrilled to be seeing some old friends and hopefully meeting some new ones.. I’ll be posting the full details on the tour page soon–so keep an eye out for that. In other news–just doing what I do: Sessions when they come in–a few gigs around town- writing songs-cooking-eating-and living life!
More soon!!
Sept. 2023
September 18th, 2023
Hello out there…
Hope this update finds everyone well and ready to greet the fall–the most glorious time of year (in my humble opinion).As the summer fades I’m putting my last finishing touches on the Master of my new recording ‘Ten Good Sermons” which Ilook forward to releasing into the world at the start of 2024. It’s been a long process–derailed by that pesky pandemic. Remember that?
But I’m anxious to release it and do some shows both in the States and Europe…Working on that now and look forward to seeing alot of faces that I miss dearly…
That will be fantastic…
More soon….
january 2020
January 20th, 2020
Greetings…..and welcome to the year 2020..
I’m starting off the decade with a new shiny record which I am busy working away on. I’m putting the finishing touches on as we speak.
“Ten Good Sermons”, like my previous record, will be a departure from my past work–moving away from themes of love and loss and adressing more universal issues of the mind and spirit- which I hope will offer some comfort in these odd and troubled times.
I expect to wrap things up in the next few months (actually I NEED to be finished in the next few months–before I head to the Netherlands in April to do a week of shows). What good is a release tour without a record??
It’ll be my first series of dates overseas this year..with another run in the fall..Keep an eye on my tour page as things are still evolving.
I intend to do a number of local shows as well…and will be posting those on Social media and through my mailings.
Hope to see you!
Until then….
Feb 2019..
February 15th, 2019
Hi Folks..
Looking at my site (as I all too rarely do) -I see that it’s almost a year since my last update..My apologies..I should stay more engaged!
Lots going on here in NYC… My Italian project-“Canto per Mangiare”–simmers along (no pun intended), with people constantly sending positive reports about the music and book. And I am especially delighted when folks tell me that they’ve been sampling the recipes…and making delicious meals as they enjoy the tunes… Perfetto..
I am slowly beginning work on a new Record…the details of which I may just keep close to the chest for a while longer..but suffice to say that it finds me continuing to work on music that is a slight departure from my former work..and that is exciting to me.
Last time I checked in..I spoke about another project I have been involved with…a collection of instrumental piano/guitar pieces that I recorded with my friend and musical cohort- producer/engineer Ben Wisch. We are wrapping that up and deciding whether to release it as an album…or a series of singles.. The demise of the album is a sad affair…but it may just make sense to let things trickle out for this project. More on that as it evolves…
Preparing to do more shows this spring in my hometown..so if your’e a New Yorker…keep an eye out for news about that..
Hope this finds you well…and that we see each other soon..
April 2018
April 9th, 2018
Happy Spring everyone….
Hope this message finds you happy and well.
Things are percolating nicely here in NYC… My new Italian project “Canto per Mangiare” is being enthusiastically enjoyed and I’ve just received some very cool merch for my upcoming trip to Europe at the end of the month. I’ll be playing 10 days of shows in the Netherlands–one of my favorite places! Traveling with me is my good and super talented pal Gary Schreiner (Piano-accordian-chromatic harmonica). We will breaking the record down into an intimate duo performance, and I’m super exited about it…Dates are still being added–so keep your eyes on the tour page for details..
On other fronts..I’ve been doing alot of writing and have enough material for another record (two actually!) in my back pocket. Later this year I hope to be doing some recording..More on that as it develops.
Work continues on another project as well- that’s been in the works for over a year now…. a series of piano/acoustic guitar instrumental pieces that my good friend and long-time producer Ben Wisch and I have been slowly chipping away at. This is a very cool endeavor and a departure from my usual vocal recordings… More on that soon also…
Life rolls along..
—Eugene —
September 22nd, 2016
“Canto per Mangiare” is wrapped and ready. It’s been a long and fascinating process, but both the book and the CD are finished and in the last stages of design.
I’m super excited about how everything turned out. The book evolved from it’s original conception of a simple cookbook- into a more involved and interesting mixture of recipes, essays on the philosophy of Italian food and cooking – music, and how the two art forms intersect..
Then there is the music section–stories behind the songs, interesting glimpses into the recording process, cool photos and extended liner notes.
The record itself is simply awesome (if I may say so myself:) I could go on and on, but I’d rather you experience if for yourself..
I’m going to take the fall to shop it around… Release info to follow…
More soon!
MARCH 2015
March 4th, 2015
Greetings from Wintry NYC!! I’m super excited about the progress of my new record ‘Canto per Mangiare”–I am finishing up my mixes now…and they are sounding amazing..
In April I will be heading back to Europe for a short run…really looking forward to seeing my European folk….There are a few dates still to be filled in ..so keep an eye on the tour page…
After I return to NY…I will be jumping headfirst into Part 2 of my Italian project…the food portion..which will be a challenge and an entirely new frontier for me…
Stay tuned and I will continue to update as things progress…….
Winter 2014
December 1st, 2014
yes—I really am working on a new project..and yes…the end is in sight!! I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting the release of “Canto per Mangiare”, and I am in fact closing in… As you know, the project is a celebration of Italian music and food–so it must not be rushed!! I’m pretty excited about it. Last week we recorded a song called ‘Emozioni” which is a song originally written and performed by an Italian artist named Lucio Battisti in 1970… Battisti is/was hugely famous and is sort of the Italian equivalent of Bob Dylan–known for his poetry and lyrical prowess… I re-interpreted the song and recorded it live with a string section here in NYC…My friend/arranger Alan Zahn wrote a gorgeous arrangement that feels more orchestral than quartet(y)– so we chose 8 of NY’s finest players..and were hugely fortunate to convince Marco Armilliato–world famous Italian conductor now working at the Metropoloitan Opera –to come in and conduct the session, which we recorded live with me singing. It was a really exciting moment , and an interesting piece of what I think is evolving into an eclectic and beautiful record.. We have one more vocal to put down and then it’s on to mixing! I’m really anxious to get this music out and into the world for the new year..
In addition to that–I am doing some gigs around town, and planning a spring European run….so keep your eyes on the tour page for evolving dates…..
more soon……
Summer 2014
July 17th, 2014
I hope this post finds everyone happy and enjoying the summer months… I remain hard at work on “Canto per Mangiare” -my seventh recording. It’s a collection of Italian music and I’m super excited about it. It’s taken a bit longer than anticipated (don’t they all!?), but this one is a challenge for sure.. In addition to studying the super-tricky Neopolitan dialect for the 5 Neopolitan songs I’m including, I had the formidable task of finding just the right players for the music. I had to reach outside of my usual cast of characters in order to find players and singers who could really deliver authentic performances for this very special project. Luckily I live in New York, where everything is possible! It’s simply one of the wonder of New York City, and makes the cost of living here ALMOST justifiable:) That being said, I also have been collaborating with musicians from other countries as well..It’s been an amazing experience.. I am closing in, and hope to be mixing soon…I’ll keep you updated for sure…
In addition, I’m doing some gigs around town–as usual–and am heading to California in August to do a bit of recording and a few gigs there..including my first gig ever in Los Angeles. Then I will be hopefully heading to Europe sometime in the fall…Working on that as we speak..
That’s all for now…enjoy the summer…it flies by!
January 2014!
January 16th, 2014

I hope that everyone is off to a wonderful start for the New Year…
January finds me hard at work on “Canto per Mangiare”-my upcoming release of Italian Music and family recipes. Producer Alan Zahn and I are hard at work at the Analogue Muse studios, where we are creating the magic…Sessions have been going great. In the past few weeks we’ve been focusing mainly on my performances, and some more intimate guitar/vocal tracks, but we’ll be tapping into some carefully chosen NY talent in the following weeks to work on a few tracks that we have yet to put down. It’s been REALLY fun.. I’m super excited about this project. It’s been brewing in my head for many years, and it’s amazing to finally see /hear it come to life..
More updates on that to follow..
I’ll be doing a few runs here and there to play some live shows…keep an eye on the tour page.
More soon!
December !!
December 3rd, 2013
I’ve been remiss..and failed to check in after a WONDERFUL tour of Europe last month… It was a fabulous trip—to Holland, Germany and Italy. The shows were amazing…great to see familar faces..and meet countless new wonderful folks everywhere. Really a beautiful month on the road..While in Italy–I took a detour to Torino where I recorded with the amazing Italian guitarist Nico di Battista…He lives in the north of Italy but hails from the south ( Naples…)..the heart of all soulful things Italian (but I’m just a bit biased).We had a productive and super fun day together..recording 4 tracks for my new Italian CD..which is on hold (but only for a few weeks)- as I prepare to leave this week for a short 1 week tour of Christmas shows.. I’ll be heading to Atlanta, then Florida and Missouri–to spread some Christmas cheer.. I’m really excited about it…the show is with a full string section (quartet) and that promises to be beautiful..I love Christmas music..so this is a wonderful opportunity to share the magic! afterwards I’ll be coming home for a bit of needed rest..then back to the studio….I need to get this Italian record moving along!!!!
stay tuned..
September…. 2013
September 24th, 2013
So much going on! Finally made it into the studio to lay down the first tracks for the upcoming Italian record–“Canto per Mangiare”. A very exciting day in the studio with a group of simply amazing players from all corners of the earth..
We recorded to 2 inch tape–and it was glorious to hear the now unfamiliar hiiiiiissss of tape spinning around!
The tracks are coming out beautifully…and I am pressing forward…with a brief (month-long pause) to jump over to Europe…where I’ll be playing shows in Holland, Germany, and-yes..Italy! The record won’t come completely to a halt however, because I’m planning on rendezvous–ing with an amazing guitarist named Nico di Battista–who I discovered..of all places…on YOUTUBE..This guy is simply awesome…We were planning on collaborating remotely–but since I’m going to be playing in Northern Italy–we are trying to hook up and record at his place in Torino.. (yes–my life doesn’t suck).. Then back home where I will continue working on the record and also do a series of Christmas concerts that will be based on my German/produced Christmas CD- “Even Santa gets the Blues”
We’re bringing that show across the US for a few shows…and it will be sweet.. Acoustic guitar and string quartet..
More on all of this….keep an eye on the tour page….dates and details are developing….!!
Summer 2013
July 15th, 2013
I’m laying pretty low this summer.. though staying very busy..basically doing gigs around town….planning and beginning to record my new CD–“Canto per Mangiare”,
and also organizing a fall European tour… It looks like its gonna be a good one.–if I can pull it together..Booking is always a bit of a logistical nightmare…but I have some exciting prospects…Dates are already confirmed for Holland and Germany..with the possibility of a few concerts in Italy..and a show in Paris in the works as well…..I’ll be updating my tour page soon…..
Update on Canto per mangiare
July 15th, 2013
Greetings from a very hot NYC…Things are moving along on my much awaited (at least by me!) Italian record. I’ve chosen a producer (my wonderful and talented friend Alan Zahn) and we are in the process of writing arrangments, choosing the perfect musicans, and general scheming. I’m hoping to do a live session in the next month or so and capture at least 4 of the songs with a live band sound. And the most exciting part of it (though its not completely certain yet)..is that we hope to record on 2 inch tape!) More news to follow..
New Website! Yes-Really!!
May 15th, 2013
At long last, I present you with my new website!
It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here. When folks brought it to my attention that my old site had literally disappeared suddenly from the web, I was undaunted, seeing it as a message from above that the time had come to start from scratch. It was a labor-intensive endeavor getting it up and running, partly because it is essentially an archive of my varied and Illustrious career.
There are all sorts of goodies in here. I hope you’ll take a moment to explore. And best of all, I plan to keep it current and up to date, so please stop by occasionally for a look.
Thanks to Samantha for the beautiful design!
My next musical endeavor (grab a fork)
May 14th, 2013
I am deep into planning my next musical move.. Got to keep it rolling along!
Some of you have heard talk of the Italian project I have in the works. I’m shooting for June 1st as a start date for “Canto per Mangiare”, which will be a CD of Italian songs from various sources. The plan is to record a collection of songs that have inspired me, from Neopolitan Folk songs (my favorite), to classics from the 60’s and 70’s, and a few originals that I have written in Italian as well. Coupled with these songs will be a collection of recipes that are also close to my heart, coming from my family and close Italian friends.
This is a celebration of my heritage, and promises to be a very interesting project. Keep an eye out for developments. I’ll be filling you in as I move along.
New Release “The Greater Good”
May 10th, 2013

Well–this isn’t exactly BREAKING news..but since my website has been a long time coming, I want to make sure you are all aware of my last recording “The Greater Good”
This is a collaborative effort- a recording done in Germany with two other amazing musicians-Dutch singer/songwriter Dennis Kolen, and LA based Shane Alexander. It marks my third project for German Audiophile label Stockfisch Records. Stockfisch is known for their pristine recordings. I’m thrilled that this was released last fall both in Cd and Vinyl, my first LP!
We spent a week in Northeim Germany creating a record which we feel is both classic and contemporary at the same time. Shane, Dennis and I barely knew each other when we came together to record, so needless to say it was a creative and challenging week in the studio. We are now bonded in vinyl however, especially after a great and very well recieved fall tour of Holland..We hope to do another run in the fall.Meanwhile, check the photo galleries and video page for some images and video clips–and buy lots of the records, we have to split the royalties three ways!!!