Winter 2014


yes—I really am working on a new project..and yes…the end is in sight!!  I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting the release of “Canto per Mangiare”, and I am in fact closing in… As you know, the project is a celebration of Italian music and food–so it must not be rushed!! I’m pretty excited about it. Last week we recorded a song called ‘Emozioni” which is a song originally written and performed by an Italian artist named Lucio Battisti in 1970… Battisti is/was hugely famous and is sort of the Italian equivalent of Bob Dylan–known for his poetry and lyrical prowess… I re-interpreted the song and recorded it live with a string section here in NYC…My friend/arranger Alan Zahn wrote a gorgeous arrangement that feels more orchestral than quartet(y)– so we chose 8 of NY’s finest players..and were hugely fortunate to convince Marco Armilliato–world famous Italian conductor now working at the Metropoloitan Opera –to come in and conduct the session, which we recorded live with me singing. It was a really exciting moment , and an interesting piece of what I think is evolving into an eclectic and beautiful record.. We have one more vocal to put down and then it’s on to mixing! I’m really anxious to get this music out and into the world for the new year..

In addition to that–I am doing some gigs around town, and planning a spring European run….so keep your eyes on the tour page for evolving dates…..

more soon……


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