January 2014!

I hope that everyone is off to a wonderful start for the New Year…

January finds me hard at work on “Canto per Mangiare”-my upcoming release of Italian Music and family recipes. Producer Alan Zahn and I are hard at work at the Analogue Muse studios, where we are creating the magic…Sessions have been going great.  In the past few weeks we’ve been focusing mainly on my performances, and some more intimate guitar/vocal tracks, but we’ll be tapping into some carefully chosen NY talent in the following weeks to work on a few tracks that we have yet to put down. It’s been REALLY fun.. I’m super excited about this project. It’s been brewing in my head for many years, and it’s amazing to finally see /hear it come to life..
More updates on that to follow..

I’ll be doing a few runs here and there to play some live shows…keep an eye on the tour page.

More soon!


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