january 2020

Greetings…..and welcome to the year 2020..

I’m starting off the decade with a new shiny record which I am busy working away on.  I’m putting the finishing touches on as we speak.

“Ten Good Sermons”, like my previous record, will be a departure from my past work–moving away from themes of love and loss and adressing more universal issues of the mind and spirit- which I hope will offer some comfort in these odd and troubled times.

I expect to wrap things up in the next few months (actually I NEED to be finished in the next few months–before I head to the Netherlands in April to do a week of shows).  What good is a release tour without a record??

It’ll be my first series of dates overseas this year..with another run in the fall..Keep an eye on my tour page as things are still evolving.

I intend to do a number of local shows as well…and will be posting those on Social media and through my mailings.

Hope to see you!

Until then….







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