Feb 2019..

Hi Folks..

Looking at my site (as I all too rarely do) -I see that it’s almost a year since my last update..My apologies..I should stay more engaged!

Lots going on here in NYC… My Italian project-“Canto per Mangiare”–simmers along (no pun intended), with people constantly sending positive reports about the music and book. And I am especially delighted when folks tell me that they’ve been sampling the recipes…and making delicious meals as they enjoy the tunes… Perfetto..

I am slowly beginning work on a new Record…the details of which I may just keep close to the chest for a while longer..but suffice to say that it  finds me continuing to work on music that is a slight departure from my former work..and that is exciting to me.

Last time I checked in..I spoke about another project I have been involved with…a collection of instrumental piano/guitar pieces that I recorded with my friend and musical cohort- producer/engineer Ben Wisch. We are wrapping that up and deciding whether to release it as an album…or a series of singles.. The demise of the album is a sad affair…but it may just make sense to let things trickle out for this project. More on that as it evolves…

Preparing to do more shows this spring in my hometown..so if your’e a New Yorker…keep an eye out for news about that..

Hope this finds you well…and that we see each other soon..


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