Summer 2014

I hope this post finds everyone happy and enjoying the summer months… I remain hard at work on “Canto per Mangiare” -my seventh recording.  It’s a collection of Italian music and I’m super excited about it. It’s taken a bit longer than anticipated (don’t they all!?), but this one is a challenge for sure.. In addition to studying the super-tricky Neopolitan dialect for the 5 Neopolitan songs I’m including, I had the formidable task of finding just the right players for the music. I had to reach outside of my usual cast of characters in order to find players and singers who could really deliver authentic performances for this very special project. Luckily I live in New York, where everything is possible! It’s simply one of the wonder of New York City, and makes the cost of living here ALMOST justifiable:) That being said, I also have been collaborating with musicians from other countries as well..It’s been an amazing experience.. I am closing in, and hope to be mixing soon…I’ll keep you updated for sure…

In addition, I’m doing some gigs around town–as usual–and am heading to California in August to do a bit of recording and a few gigs there..including my first gig ever in Los Angeles.  Then I will be hopefully heading to Europe sometime in the fall…Working on that as we speak..

That’s all for now…enjoy the summer…it flies by!

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