January 2023

My oh my! As I set out to make this post-I look with amazement at how much time has gone by since I last checked in. I am indeed notoriously bad at keeping the website up to date–but this lapse exceeds even my worst past behavior..I truly have been in a Pandemic haze! Well–it’s been an odd few years to say the least-and my focus has been on many things.

When I made my last post I was wrapping up my ‘Ten Good Sermons” record and just about to hit the road–and then—well we all know what happened.

But here we are at the beginning of a brand new year–and 2023 will indeed see the release of my new record. I need to get the darn thing out-because one thing I HAVE been doing is writing–alot. And I have new records to make! But first things first. So I am working on my release date.

And that tour I was about to go on in April 2020–well that’s in the works as well. Indeed it’s all happening..So stay tuned and I promise to check back in–soon!  Until then………………

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